HYDRA MIST 保濕平衡噴霧 - Derm - Mart HYDRA MIST 保濕平衡噴霧 - Derm - Mart
HYDRA MIST 保濕平衡噴霧 - Derm - Mart HYDRA MIST 保濕平衡噴霧 - Derm - Mart
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Pickup available at Derm-Mart (中環)

Usually ready in 24 hours


SKIN TYPESAll skin types, eventhe most sensitive

SKIN CONCERNSDull complexion, tired and/ordehydrated skin and mature skin

Moisturising, softening mist that stimulates collagen

This advanced skincare has atriple action,thanks to its highly concentrated activeingredients: ithydrates deep down, calmsand softens sensitiveor sensitised skin,while its anti-aging propertiesstimulatethe production of collagen.Thismistcan be used as a conditioning tonicbefore applying a serum.It can also be usedthroughout the day to give your skin everythingit needs to stay young and radiantly beautiful.

Restores the skin’s pH

Allows serums to penetrate more deeply andpromotes their effectiveness

Softens and calms sensitive and sensitised skin(after microneedling or treatment)

Moisturises the skin in depth

Strengthens and protects the skin against attacksfrom the outside

Powerful anti-aging action

Activates the natural production of collagen


Panthenol (Vit. B5), Hyaluronic Acid, Saccharide Isomerate,Niacinamide (Vit. B3), Peptides.

Enriched with phytoactive ingredients such asCamomile, Aloe Vera & Centella Asiatica.Fragrance with 100% natural ingredients and allergen-free.


5% 透明質酸:強效保濕,能夠通過吸引和保留水分來滋潤和撫平皮膚

5% 泛醇(維生素B5):抗炎作用,能夠舒緩和滋潤皮膚。它還可以改善皮膚彈性,促進傷口癒合

4% 煙酰胺(維生素B3):減少炎症,改善皮膚屏障功能,調節油脂分泌。它還可以幫助提亮膚色,減少細紋和皺紋的出現

2% 巴豆醇異麥芽糖酸鹽:將水分與皮膚結合,使其長時間保持濕潤

2% 肽:肽是氨基酸,可以刺激膠原蛋白的產生,改善皮膚彈性,緊緻度和質地。它們還可以具有抗衰老功效,幫助減少細紋和皺紋的出現


使用前搖勻, 然後噴勻整個臉部

  • 早晚清潔面後軟化角質, 為肌膚即時注水
  • 化妝後作為定妝液
  • 全天候隨時隨地保濕舒緩


水、丙二醇、泛醇、煙酰胺、甘油、庚基葡萄糖苷、蘆薈葉汁、透明質酸、洋甘菊花提取物、積雪草葉提取物、天門冬提取物、泡葉提取物、葛根 M黑鳶提取物、丁香油、丁二醇、山梨醇、香料、羧甲基倍他葡聚醣鈉、異構糖、檸檬酸、矽烷三醇、棕櫚酰三肽-8、檸檬酸鈉、五肽-59、乙酰四肽-40、葡聚醣、辛乙二醇、氫化卵磷脂、苯乙醚乙醇、硼矽酸鈣鈉、乙基己基甘油、氧化銀、麥芽糖糊精、山梨酸、山梨酸鉀、酒精、苯氧乙醇。